Welcome to Puma’s Rugby!
Ready to tackle rugby? Plano Rugby Football Club is North Texas’ original youth rugby club. This year we will be proudly celebrating 25 years of inspiring young athletes. Our high school teams travel all across Texas and Oklahoma to compete and our youth teams (K-8) play in the DFW Metroplex. Since 2000, we’ve ignited the passion for rugby in countless boys and girls. No matter your skill level, there’s a place for you on our team. Join us today!
Practice is HERE!
Practice starts on February 11th! Come out and get in shape and get ready for the 2025 season. No experience is needed. New players and vets are all welcome. Bring water, plastic cleats, and a mouth piece.
Practice Times
Tuesdays and Thursdays :
u8 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm
u10, u12, u14 6:00 pm to 7:30pm
HS & MS Girls 6:30pm to 8:00pm
High School: 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm
Registration Is Open!
To play rugby with us you will need to register with USA Rugby and Plano Sports Authority. Registering with USA Rugby allows us to play other rugby teams. Registering with PSA allows us to have practice fields in Plano.
1. Register by going to Rugby Xplorer or downloading the Rugby Xplorer app on Apple or Google.
2. Once registered, log in to your Member Profile.
3. Select Register in the upper left hand corner.
4. Click on Find A Club.
5. Select the person you are planning to register.
6. Enter the Club name, select your club, and select next. "Plano Rugby"
7. Choose the registration options applicable to you. (HS, Youth, or Rookie for K-2
8. View the personal information of the person you are registering.
9. Upload a profile photo. (This step can be skipped)
10. Update your emergency contact information and answer any other questions.
11. Review your Registration Summary.
12. Agree to the Terms and Conditions.
13. Enter your Payment information to complete your registration.
14. If you have multiple roles, eg. coach and referee and player, return to the first step and repeat the process with the new role. All personal information will be retained and dues will convert so you will only pay the difference that is required for your new role.
2. Register yourself and your child(ren) with the PSA tool if need be.
3. Login
4. Click Register
5. Select child from "Register" drop-down.
6. Select "Rugby Season 2023" from "Season" drop down then mash "Search."
7. The level of rugby with PRC & PSA ought to pop up on the right. See the list below for clarification.
8. Answer PSA questions & mash "Continue."
9. Pay for your selections.
It is not uncommon to have issues registering with PSA. If something comes up please contact them directly at 972.208.5437
Rugby across the state is transitioning from grade level teams to age range teams. This primarily affects youth players. High School and 7/8 players will just register for those teams. But other players will need to register based on age as of September 1st, 2024 using the information below.
Under 8 = K-2 (Touch Rugby)
Under 10 = 3rd and 4th
Under 12 = 5th and 6th
Under 14 = Middle School
U19 = High School JV and Varsity
If your child doesn't neatly fit in the above categories that is ok. Register based on age and contact us to sort out what the safest age range for your child to play in.
All that your child will need to play are navy blue rugby shorts, solid navy blue soccer socks, soccer cleats, and a mouth piece. . Academy is a great source for the socks, cleats, and a mouth guard. Rugby shorts can be ordered here: Shorts. Middle School and High School teams have a different Uniform and your coaches will provide guidance here
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